WDSL 96.5FM 1520AM

The 2022 Election, Don't Blink


November 12, 2022

| The election was as of the writing of this story four days ago. Exit polls showed over seventy percent of voters cited the economy as their main concern. So apparently we are to believe they voted democrat, maybe more poison is the best solution? I am not going to write this article on the election but instead on the ballot counting. Although I find it fascinating that I can gaze up at my TV screen and see states over eighty percent of the counties are red and yet they seem to in the end turn blue. The pandemic's advent of mail in ballots has been quite a benefit to the left wouldn't you say?

What I wanted to discuss as I take you down memory lane. I remember my dad bought a long cord for my mom's kitchen phone, so she could travel around the kitchen while talking on the phone, but guess what we knew who won the election the night of the election. The TV had only three channels.we knew who won the elections the night of the election. The car only had an AM radio. We knew who won the election the night of the election. Call waiting didn't exist. We knew who won the election the night of the election. We returned glass bottles to the grocery store for a refund but we knew who won the election the night of the election. Cassette tapes were the latest greatest technology. We knew who won the election the night of the election. So we are supposed to believe with the advent of all this technology, now four days past the election there are still 23 house seats being counted and 2 Senate seats. So as technology advances things take way longer to do like the weeks it takes to take a picture with your phone and text or email it anywhere in the world. I get so tired waiting on those too don't you? The American people should expect more and demand more from elected representatives in Washington.

Farren K. Shoaf

Owner WDSL Broadcasting


Published on 11/14/2022 (2 years 118 days ago) News